What Does One Do with Sparkle Syrup?

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Sparkle Syrup is made with pure maple syrup and pearlescent mica.  The sparkles are flavorless so the syrup can be used anywhere you would put regular maple syrup like pancakes or waffles.  But to play up the fun of the sparkles, we have a few suggestions to create a little magic. Make a sparkly lemonade. Read More

Grilling with Runamok Maple: Marinades, Side Dishes & More

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When we think of grilling and barbeque, we think of glazes that are robust, tangy and slightly sweet.  Maple syrup is the perfect ingredient for the sugary component – rich, complex, and already in syrup form to add to sauces and marinades. And, of course, using Runamok’s infused and smoked maple syrups make it thatRead More

The Lighter Side of Maple: Summer Recipes with Runamok Maple Syrups

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Here at Runamok, we are always trying to get people to think beyond pancakes when using maple syrup.  There is no better time to demonstrate this than in summer.  This is a season to lighten up and take advantage of seasonal fruit and veggies in salads, desserts and drinks. Consider all of the places youRead More

Fixing Up Our Fairfax Facility

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We have been at our new site in Fairfax for over a year but all of our building renovations have been focused inside (except for one wicked expensive roof repair and a subsequent wicked cool solar array.) Our building has a wonderful history in that it manufactured scrabble tiles and other game pieces for yearsRead More

Summer Cocktails to Brighten Your Spirits

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Boozy, tart, cold and fruity – these are all things we want in a summer cocktail. When we first started infusing maple syrup, we recognized that they would be excellent in cocktails and so we started experimenting. There are now over 60 cocktail recipes using our syrups that you can find on our website.  ItRead More

Maple Syrup 101: Maple + Conservation

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Maple syrup is the gold standard of agriculture and conservation coexisting.  It is made by tapping trees in a natural forest and gathering the sap in the spring when the weather warms during the day and drops below freezing at night.  Aside from fishing, it is one of the last agricultural industries in which theRead More

Maple Syrup 101: What Makes Maple Syrup Organic?

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For many who buy organically grown produce, their main concern is chemicals on their food. As an organic grower, I understand the inclination, not comprehending why one would put poison on something they are going to eat.  There are some organically certified items, however, that no doubt elicit a bit of eye-rolling.  Have you everRead More

Maple Syrup 101: How Maple Syrup is Made – The Woods

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Every winter sugarmakers tap their maple trees by drilling a small hole in the trunk and inserting a spout.  With 81,000 taps to put in, we start the process in mid-January so we are ready for the first thaw.  Tapping all our trees in time is a battle against the elements.  January, more often thanRead More

Maple 101: How do we know when sugaring season is over?

By:  | | Sugaring
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Maple season is very short and incredibly weather dependent. Basically, there are plenty of opportunities to run amok. So, how do we determine when a season is officially over?   No sugaring season has a set end date – or reason. Some years the conditions are perfect and we’re boiling superb maple syrup well intoRead More

Recipes: What We’re Making This Spring

By:  | | Honey, Recipes
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We’re still riding out the tail end of sugaring season here in Northern Vermont, but in the kitchen, we’ve moved on to warmer seasons.  From maple-sweetened treats to honey’s delicate floral notes, we’re rediscovering the flavors of spring. See what we’ve been making this month:   Azalea Cocktail Early April has us reaching for our grenadineRead More

Meet the Maker: Golden Dog Farm

By:  | | Producer Spotlight, Product Guides
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Sugarmaker’s Dark is sourced from a handful of our small-batch sugaring partners across the state of Vermont who are making syrup the old fashioned way: slow boiled over a wood-fired evaporator. This March, our co-founder Laura Sorkin took a tour of Golden Dog Farm – one of our producer partners for Sugarmaker’s Dark – toRead More

Sugaring Season: How Maple Syrup is Made

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Sugaring Season
Welcome to Sugaring Season Every January, once the winter chill has settled in for the long-haul in Vermont, sugarmakers dust off the gear and get ready for the most important weeks of our whole year: sugaring season. As maple syrup producers, we talk a lot about “sugaring” – we share photos of our crew deepRead More

10 Pancake Recipes to Celebrate National Pancake Day

By:  | | Recipes
RM Lot O Grains
The origins of Pancake Day, celebrated this year on Tuesday, February 13, 2024, go back to Fat Tuesday (also known as Mardi Gras, Shrove Tuesday, Carnival, etc. depending where you celebrate) as a final indulgence in rich foods before lent. Regardless of your religious persuasions, it’s always a good time to indulge in a celebrationRead More

Sweet and Spicy Snacks for the Big Game

By:  | | Product Guides, Recipes
Soft Pretzels with Runamok Maple Mustard Dip
“What Time does the Superbowl Start?” “Who is in the Superbowl?” “Who is playing the halftime show?” “Where’s Taylor Swift?” …We’re asking: what about the snacks?! Our Hot + Spicy Maple Syrup and trio of Hot Honeys are the MVPs of our hosting kitchen this year. They go beyond generically “hot” flavors to bring unique pepper profiles, tons ofRead More

A Sweet Farewell: Retiring Flavors

By:  | | News
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THESE FLAVORS ARE RETIRING We have a limited stock remaining of these flavors below. Now is your final chance to stock up – once they are sold out they will be gone for good. CLICK ON IMAGE TO SHOP            

The Top 10 Flavors of 2023

By:  | | Awards, Product Guides
HERE ARE THE TOP FLAVORS OF 2023 We’ve tallied every last bottle sold on our site – this is what our customers were loving the most this year. Have you tried these fan-favorites yet? LET’S COUNT IT DOWN… (Click on any tile to learn more and try it today!) *ranking based on the total numberRead More

10 Non-Alcoholic Drinks to Enjoy during Dry January

By:  | | Recipes
Kafka’s Mocktail
1. The Swear Jar This is the perfect quencher that contains two of our favorite Runamok mixers: Maple Grenadine and Maple Tonic. You can use either regular Maple Tonic or Sparkle Tonic if you are feeling like stepping it up a notch. Amounts are to taste; adjust as you like. We gave it this nameRead More

Year in Review: A look back at 2023

By:  | | News
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It is with immense gratitude that we say THANK YOU to our customers, partners, friends, and collaborators for your input, support, and mutual love of Runamok… We wish you a happy new year ahead!   YEAR IN REVIEW…  

10 Ways to Use Our Infused Honey

By:  | | Recipes
Both around the world and in our home state of Vermont, honey is celebrated for its versatility, history, and endless health benefits. At Runamok, we decided to take honey’s capability in the kitchen a step further, utilizing our years of experience perfecting Infused Maple Syrup to create a line of Infused Honey– with excellent results,Read More

Vegan Recipes Using Maple Syrup: 6 Vegan Recipes to Try

By:  | | Recipes
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In a vegan kitchen, nothing’s more important than having a (variety of) sweeteners you trust– because typical ingredients, like butter and eggs, are off the table– literally. For many, maple syrup is at the top of the list when it comes to natural sweeteners. So, whether you’re a strict vegan or simply someone who likesRead More

Holiday Gifting Guide 2023

By:  | | Product Guides
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See: Salted Caramel Maple Syrup, WhistlePig Barrel-Aged Maple Syrup, Smoked Old Fashioned Cocktail Mixer See: Beekeeper’s Cut Autumn Blossom Honey, Maple Grenadine, Best Seller’s Large Gift Box See Small Gift Box, Sparkle Syrup, Holiday Spice Infused Maple Syrup  SHOP ALL HOLIDAY FAVORITES

Maple Syrup Grades Explained

By:  | | Sugaring
We all know and love maple syrup as a breakfast staple, whether drizzled over pancakes, in our coffee, or swirled into oatmeal. But contrary to popular belief, not all maple syrups are created equal. If you’ve ever found yourself standing in the grocery aisle, confused by the different grades of maple syrup, you’re not alone. Read More

5 Elevated Breakfasts Using Maple Syrup

By:  | | Recipes
The morning rush of getting ready for school is back, and so is the challenge of serving up a delicious (and nutritious) breakfast that will fuel whatever your day has in store.  We’re sharing five mouthwatering breakfast recipes that incorporate the sweetness of maple syrup. Whether you’re a busy parent or a student on-the-go, theseRead More

6 Apple Brandy Barrel-Aged Maple Recipes for Fall

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One of our most popular seasonal limited releases, Apple Brandy Barrel-aged Maple Syrup is a true autumn delight. With similar vanilla notes like our Bourbon Barrel-aged, but with a definitive apple finish. It’s a go-to for breakfast favorites (so good on waffles on a chilly mornings), but also has a number of other uses fromRead More

Community Spotlight: My Vermont Table by Gesine Bullock-Prado

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Our friend Gesine Bullock-Prado released her latest cookbook, My Vermont Table, this past spring. The book adds to her impressive collection of cookbooks, most of which focus on baking. It is especially near to our hearts because she features Runamok maple and honey as her go-to ingredient in a number of dishes. Also because itRead More

4 Honey Cocktails to Celebrate Barr Hill’s Bee’s Knees Week

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Hachi’s Knees
During Bee’s Knees Week, the simple act of enjoying a refreshing Barr Hill Bee’s Knees cocktail helps protect pollinators! In celebration of National Honey Month and Bee’s Knees Week, we’ve collaborated with our friends at Barr Hill by Caledonia Spirits who developed a series of gin cocktails using our wide variety of Runamok honeys for a unique spin onRead More

A Look Inside with Laura: Honey Varietals through the Seasons

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It is difficult to convey in words how different our raw honey varietals are in flavor… On each product page, we have offered some taste comparisons to help, but another way to explain our honey is in seasonality. Just as maple syrup changes in color and flavor throughout the sugaring season, honey also changes inRead More

5 Recipes to Try This Fall Using Infused Honey

By:  | | Honey, Product Guides
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With fall weather just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to gather with friends and family to celebrate the change in season. At Runamok, we believe that a touch of our infused honey makes every gathering a little sweeter. Here are five recipes that will make your celebration unforgettable. 1. Autumn Harvest Savory GaletteRead More

Feed the Bees: Expanding Pollinator Habitat in collaboration with American Meadows

By:  | | Honey
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Help us feed the bees this National Honey Month by creating new pollinator habitat and beautifying your outdoor space! We’ve partnered with our friends at American Meadows to include a free packet of Feed The Bees Wildflower Seed Mix with every order, all September long. Did you know over 85% of U.S. households have an outdoor livingRead More

Community Spotlight: Barbecuing with Maple and Honey

By:  | | Recipes
Both maple and honey are sweet, sticky, saucy, and pair oh so well with a touch of smoky heat (hello Merquén Infused Maple). They’ve long been our secret weapon for delicious barbecue – and the experts behind the grill seem to agree! SUMMER OF BARBECUE: RECIPES FT. RUNAMOK Do you want super tender, juicy &Read More