My son Henry is a natural-born cook. Now fifteen, his passion started like most kids’ – wanting a batch of cookies and getting impatient for Mom to make some. To cease the pleading, I taught him how to make the classic Toll House cookies on his own when he was about nine and since then batches just show up in the kitchen whether I give the okay or not. He also decided a few years ago that he preferred a hot lunch. I explained that I usually make a pretty involved dinner most nights so he was going to have to be satisfied with a sandwich. Undeterred, he asked for a little direction about his favorites and now the kitchen is turned upside down starting at 11:30 as he prepares pasta with sun-dried tomatoes and arugula, nachos with sautéed ramps or homemade ramen soup complete with miso, vegetables, and egg. Sometimes I look longingly at his thoughtfully prepared meal in comparison to mine and ask, “Can I have some?”
Flavored seltzer is another of his favorite items to mess around with in the kitchen. Ever since we started with our infused maple syrups, he has experimented with the syrups in combination with fruit juices, spices, and seltzer. This one is a real winner, especially in hot weather. The Hibiscus gives it a fruity punch while the lemon and touch of ginger make it extra refreshing. It is such a zinger that we call it, A Kick in the Pants. Enjoy.
A Kick in the Pants
- ¼ tsp finely grated ginger
- 1 oz Hibiscus Flower Infused maple syrup
- ½ oz lemon juice
- a few dashes Runamok Floral or Orange Bitters (optional)
- Plain seltzer
- Ice
Combine the first four ingredients in a tall glass then top with seltzer and ice. Stir and serve.