We are all about home cooking from scratch but sometimes you just need a quick recipe that is a crowd pleaser. This ice cream cake is all that and more. Buy a frozen pound cake, slice it in thirds, spread some softened iced cream, re-assemble, and chill. Done. When you are ready for dessert, slice it up and drizzle Cocoa, Coffee, or Salted Caramel Infused Maple on top. So easy. So good. And the maple topping makes it extra special.
World’s Easiest Ice Cream Cake
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes+ (in freezer)
Servings: 6 Servings
1 frozen pound cake
1 pint of your favorite flavor ice cream (we used butter pecan!)
Runamok Coffee, Cocoa Bean, or Salted Caramel Infused Maple
- 1 Take the ice cream out of the freezer to let it soften (5-10 minutes depending on room temp).
- 2 Remove the pound cake from the freezer. Take the cake out of its container and cut it lengthwise into three sections.
- 3 Line the container with plastic wrap or parchment that is large enough to hang over the edge and put the first layer of cake on the bottom.
- 4 Gently spread some ice cream over the cake so it is roughly an inch thick.
- 5 Put the middle layer of cake on the ice cream and repeat with another layer of ice cream and then top with the final later of cake.
- 6 Pull the plastic or parchment over the top to cover and return to the freezer to chill. Let it set for 30 minutes or more.
- 7 When ready to serve, remove from the freezer and pull the cake out via the parchment or plastic. Cut slices to your preferred thickness and then drizzle with Runamok Cocoa, Coffee, or Salted Caramel Infused Maple