In Partnership with: Reduce Your Lawn Day

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The mission of Reduce Your Lawn Day is simple:
to educate, inspire, and convert the underutilized spaces in our yards for a better world.

Reducing your lawn can help rebuild habitat, right in your own yard. Read Four Reasons to Reduce Your Lawn and sign the pledge here:

Sign the pledge by May 27th and you’ll be entered to win a Gardening Grand Prize!

Why do we care about your lawn?

As a maple and honey company in Vermont, you may be asking why we care about your lawn… If there is anything we’ve learned from years of wild-harvesting nature’s finest sweeteners, it is how intrinsically tied our work is to the land.

The way we see it, both maple and honey are products that work for a better environment and not against it. We aim to be not only good environmental stewards of our land but also for the planet.

Learn more about Runamok’s environmental mission here:

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