The Elvis

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Legend has it that Elvis’s favorite sandwich was peanut butter and bananas. Some versions include bacon and some cinnamon but the best one we found adds a swirl of honey. Our Hibiscus Infused Honey has a tangy, fruity taste to it, sort of like jelly, so it was our first choice but by all means, go nuts and pick any of the new Runamok honey selections. (Anyone daring enough to try a hot honey?)

The Elvis

Take a slice of bread and slather it with peanut butter while crooning ‘Love Me Tender’. Slice a perfectly ripe banana and put as many slices on top as will fit. Open a jar of Runamok Hibiscus Infused Honey and dip a fork into the honey. Bringing the jar close to the sandwich so as not to make a mess, drizzle the honey over the bananas until they glisten like rhinestones on a white jumpsuit.