Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 5 minutes

Servings: 6 Servings

Peaches are one of the best treats of summer.  There is nothing better than the juicy mess of biting into a fresh one on a warm afternoon.  But peaches are also excellent grilled and doubly, triply excellent grilled and then slathered in maple syrup and topped with ice cream. We’ve tried this recipe with all of the barrel-aged syrups and can highly recommend them (especially the Rum Barrel-Aged) but the Cinnamon+Vanilla Infused is also particularly good. When choosing the peaches, look for a variety that is known as ‘cling-free’ or ‘freestone’ which means the pit is removed easily.


  • 6 cling-free (freestone) peaches or nectarines

  • Runamok Rum Barrel-Aged, Salted Caramel, or Cinnamon+Vanilla Infused Maple Syrup

  • Vanilla Ice Cream


  • 1 Slice the peaches or nectarines in half and remove the pit. 
  • 2 Heat the grill and put the peaches flat side down over medium flame.  Grill for about five minutes or until slightly charred.  Remove and put in a bowl.
  • 3 Put 2 halves in a bowl and top with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Douse with maple syrup of your choice.