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The Lunar Eclipse

I don’t get too bent out of shape over stellar phenomena. I am very content to look at the stars and see sparkly lights rather than twist my head trying to configure a goat out of a group of points. Lunar events, however are a different story and the Supermoon Eclipse of this past September was truly extraordinary. It was a crystal clear night here in Cambridge and the moon was perched over Mt. Mansfield behind our house. We made a small fire and put on Pink Floyd’s ‘Dark Side of the Moon’ which could not have been a more perfect soundtrack for the event. Given it was late on a Sunday night, I wanted a drink that wouldn’t cause grumpiness Monday morning yet gave the occasion the gravitas it deserved. The balance of this cocktail was just right. A Supermoon Eclipse, warm fire, snuggly kid on my lap, Floyd and some local rye. Sometimes it is important to recognize when things are just right.

The Lunar Eclipse

Pour all ingredients over ice and gently stir.