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Mango Relish with Rum Barrel-Aged Maple

Relish is both a verb and a noun.  As a verb it is wonderfully onomatopoetic, meaning “to enjoy greatly”.  Elongate the “ish” sound and you will have a preview of how delicious this particular concoction is. The sweetness of the mango and maple syrup are the perfect foil for the heat of the jalapeno and onion.  Try to make it an hour ahead of serving to really let the flavors blend.

Originally I made it for hot dogs or sausages but we had some left over and it turns out it is just as good on chicken and pork chops.  I don’t care for overly sweet relishes so I was conservative with the maple syrup but feel free to add more.  Also, try to dice all of the ingredients as small as possible otherwise you have big chunks of fruit and vegetables falling off your hot dog.  And please, relish the relish.

Mango Relish

Salt and pepper to taste

Combine all ingredients and chill for an hour.  Makes about 2 cups of relish.